Nino Bulling

Field of Practice:



Solitude fellowship

City, Country:

Berlin, Germany


2020, 2021


Oct 2021 - Apr 2022

Nino Bulling is a Berlin-based comic artist and author. Shorter and longer works by Nino have appeared since 2012 in book form, online, in anthologies and via self-publication. In 2019 the volume Bruchlinien. Drei Episoden zum NSU was published by Spector Books in co-authorship with Anne König and the reportage Wasser Stand on the occasion of the 2020 International Literature Festival Berlin.

Nino’s works often segue between documentary and speculative fiction, exploring the possibilities of reality-based image narrative beyond realistic modes of representation. Here, language and drawing function as players of equal value, taken from reality and examined, modified and amalgamated. The works address critical contemporary issues on subjects as diverse as racism, right-wing terror and the arms industry, as well as universal questions of friendship and belonging.

In recent years, Nino’s works have been shown at the Brandenburg State Museum of Modern Art (2021), HMKV Dortmund (2019) and at the 8th Festival of Photography f/stop in Leipzig/Germany (2018). Nino has taught comics/illustration at various international institutions, including the School of Art Kassel/Germany.

In 2022, Nino Bulling will be participating in documenta fifteen. On the occasion of the exhibition, Edition Moderne is publishing their new book abfackeln, a story about trans identity and love in times of fundamental changes in living spaces due to climatic and ecological influences.