Nicolas Tzortzis


Cooperation Fellowship

City, Country:




Oct 2015 - Nov 2015

Born 1978 in Athens/Greece.

Nicolas Tzortzis studied computer-aided composition with JM Lopez Lopez at Paris 8 University, instrumental and electronic composition with P. Leroux at Le Blanc Mesnil, France and Université de Montréal, Canada, as well as musical theater composition with G. Aperghis at HEA in Bern/Switzerland. He attended Cursus 1 and 2 at IRCAM (Institut de Recherche et Coordination Acoustique/Musique), Paris/France, and presented Incompatible(s) V for silent piano and live electronics at ManiFeste, Paris, in 2012.

He was composer in residence at Herrenhaus Edenkoben, selected by Peter Eötvös, in 2013, composer in residence at Villa Ruffieux in Switzerland in 2014, and visiting scholar at University of California, Berkeley, CA/USA in 2015 on a Fulbright grant.

His music has been awarded and performed in numerous countries across Europe, the Americas, and Asia.

In 2015 he is a fellow in cooperation with the Ensemble Gesellschaft.