Michael Guggenheim

City, Country:

Zürich, Switzerland


2005, 2006, 2007


Oct 2005 - Feb 2006

Born 1972 in Zurich.

Studied folklore, sociology and European folk literature in Zurich and Berlin; 2004 dissertation in sociology on the topic “Organisierte Umwelt. Intersystemische Wissensproduktion in Umweltdienstleistungsformen” (Organized Environment. Intersystemic production of knowledge of environmental service forms).

From 1999 to 2002 research assistant at the chair for science studies and philosophy at the ETH Zurich, participation in the Swiss National Fund research project “The Production of Socially Robust Knowledge” (2000-2003). In 2004 he was an associate researcher at the Collegium Helveticum, a Junior Fellow at the Collegium Budapest (2004-2005).

In addition to research activities, he produced various artistic works (among others, performances and video installations).

Publications include “Welche Gütekriterien für die neuen Formen des Wissens brauchen wir?” (Which Rating Criteria for New Forms of Science do We Need?, in: “Forschen – lernen – beraten. Der Wandel von Wissensproduktion und -transfer in den Sozialwissenschaften”, ed. by Hans-Werner Franz a. o., Berlin, 2003), “Imaginierte Laien. Die Macht der Vorstellung in wissenschaftlichen Expertisen” (Imagined Laypersons. The Power of Imagination in Scientific Expertises, ed. together with Priska Gisler a. o., Weilerswist, 2004).

During his fellowship Michael Guggenheim will work on an ethnographic research project in which he intends to record the phenomena of space reuse using a number of different methods.