Kristin Marek

City, Country:

Karlsruhe, Germany


2003, 2004, 2005


Sept 2005 - Jan 2006

Apr 2006 - May 2006

From 2000 to 2003 Kristin Marek was a fellow in the postgraduate course »Bild. Körper. Medium. Eine anthropologische Perspektive« (Image. Body. Medium. An anthropological perspective) at the Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe. In 2004 she was a fellow of the Landesgraduiertenförderung Baden-Württemberg (State of Baden-Württemberg Graduate Fellowship) for the topic »Das Double des christlichen Königs. Zur Bildkulturgeschichte der Effigies« (The double of the Christian king. On the visual culture history of the effigy).

Fields of interest are late medieval art history, relics and holy matter from the middle ages to modern times, artists books of the 20th/21st century, photography, contemporary art, image and law.

Publications include »Bilder von Menschen im Zeitalter ihrer gentechnologischen Reproduzierbarkeit. Zur Referentialität der Postphotographie« (Images of humans in the age of genetic reproduction. On the reference to post photography) (in: »überMENSCHEN. Zur Zukunft des Humanen«, ed. Andrea Dietrich and others, Jena, 2003) and »Bild und Körper im Spätmittelalter. Techniken und Reflexionen des Bildes« (image and body in the late middle ages. Techniques and reflections of the image) (ed. together with Marius Rimmele among others, to be published in 2006).

During her fellowship Kristin Marek will work on the research topic »Bild und Recht als Medientechniken. Zur Historiographie des Rechtsikonoklasmus und seines bildtheoretischen Refrains« (Image and Law as media technique. On the historiography of law iconoclasm and the refrain of image theory).