Jan Altmann

Field of Practice:


City, Country:

Berlin, Germany


2007, 2008, 2009


Oct 2008 - Dez 2008

Feb 2009 - Feb 2009

Jan Altmann studied art history, philosophy, European ethnology and history of science in Marburg, Zürich, Berlin and Paris and completed his doctorate in 2005 (funded by the State of Berlin and a post-doctoral-fellowship from the Max Planck Society.

2005–2006 he worked on the research project »Zeichnen als beobachten« (Drawing as observing) at the Max Planck Institute for History of Science in Berlin.

He is currently preparing the publication »Exakte Beobachtung der Natur und des Menschen. Die Bildwerke der Entdeckungsreise zu den Terres Australes (1800–1804)« (Exact observation of nature and the human being. Images of the expedition to the Terres Australes) and the essay »Andere Augen. Was Tiere sehen« (Different eyes. What animals see).

He recently published »Färbung, Farbgestaltung und früher Farbdruck am Ende der Naturgeschichte« (Coloring, color design and early color printing at the end of natural history), in: Bildwelten des Wissens. Kunsthistorisches Jahrbuch für Bildkritik, vol. 4.1 (2006). From 2007–2008 he will work on the research project »Die Sichtbarwerdung der Spur. Ästhetische Bedingungen epistemischer Wirksamkeit in der Mikrofotografie« (The manifestation of the trace. Aesthetic terms of epistemic potency in microphotography) at the International Research Center for Cultural Studies in Vienna.