Ingeborg Flagge

Field of Practice:


City, Country:

Frankfurt a.M., Germany


2002, 2003

Born in Oelde i. Westfalen/Germany.

Studied English language in Cambridge/Great Britain, philosophy, history, archeology, art and architecture history at University of Cologne/Germany.

Since 1971, director of public relations at the Association of German Architecture (BDA) in Bonn/Germany. In 1974 she overtook the editorial office of »Der Architekt« from the BDA, developed a new concept together with graphic designer Otl Aicher and architect Kurt Ackermann, and worked as a chief editor from 1984–1998.

Since 2000 director of the German Architecture Museum in Frankfurt a. Main/Germany.

1991/92 lecturer at the University of Wuppertal (Bergischen Universität/Gesamthochschule Wuppertal)/Germany for architecture and architectural history. 1995–2000 professor for architectural history at the Academy for Engineering, Economics and Culture (Hochschule für Technik, Wirtschaft und Kultur) in Leipzig/Germany.

Since 1998 consultant to the Rudolf Müller Publishing House for the development of a new collection of architecture books. Editor (with Gert Kähler) of the video collection »Architekturforum«. Author of numerous articles and books.