Ines Eck

Field of Practice:


City, Country:

Jena, Germany


1990, 1991


Oct 1990 - Oct 1990


Born 1956 in Aue.

Studied dentistry (1976-79) and German language and literature (diploma 1987) in Jena.

1987-1992 freelance author. 1992 Foundation of the artists community “Textlandschaft worte bilder töne utopien” together with Torsten Kulick. 1992-93 chief editor of the magazine Eselsohr. 1994-95 cultural manager at the Kunsthaus Erfurt and since 1996 cultural manager of the Kukuk e.V. Jena.

Fellowships and prizes: travel grant from Akademie Schloss Solitude (1990); Anna-Seghers-Preis of the Akademie der Künste (1992), fellowship Literarisches Colloquium Berlin (1992); Walter Dexel-Stipendium (1998). 1999 studio grant Basel. Radio play prize from the Landesmedienanstalt Thüringen (2001)

Publications: Figuren & Capriccios (1995); Konstellationen & Übergänge (1996); Revoluschen; Dramen (um 1996); Text für Analphabeten (1997); Wendezeiten (1997);

Co-Author: Kein Retour; Steppenwolfidyllen; Sommer 89; Regenbogengeschichten gebrannter Kinder; Provinz; Mauer ist mein Hoppepferd.

Exhibitions: Kunstverein Jena (1994); Kunstpreis Karrikatur, Mainz (1997); Galerie Katakombe, Basel, Kunstverein Mainz, Haus Dacheröden, Erfurt (all 2000)