Ilka Papp-Zakor


Eastern European Network

City, Country:

Budapest, Hungary


2017, 2018, 2019


Oct 2018 - Dez 2018

Born 1984 in Krakow/Poland.

The writer Ilka Papp-Zakor received her BA in Hungarian and Russian philology from Babeṣ-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca/Romania in 2011. She also graduated from there with a MA in Hungarian literature in 2013. During the academic year 2011/2012 she took part in a student exchange program and studied Russian culture at Jagiellonian University in Krakow/Poland.

So far, she has published two collections of short stories. In 2016, she attended the Visegard Literary Residency in Bratislava/Slovakia. At the moment, her aim is to complete the translation from Polish to Hungarian of the oral history book Księga Wyjścia by Mikołaj Grynberg and to work on her first novel.

Ilka Papp-Zakor is a participant in the exchange program between Akademie Schloss Solitude and the József Attila Circle – Literary Association of Young Writers (JAK) in Budapest. She lives in Budapest/Hungary.