Claus Noppeney

City, Country:

Berlin, Germany


2003, 2004, 2005


Jan 2005 - Mar 2005


Born 1968 in Essen/Germany.

Studied economics and management at St. Gallen (Switzerland), in the MBA program at the Fuqua School of Business, Duke University and at Harvard University.

1998 doctoral dissertation on the social philosophy of the Chicago School of Economics.

Consultant and project manager with an international management consultancy firm in charge of strategy development projects in different industries.

Since 2001 lecturing “Visual competence in organizations” and “Organizational Behavior”, among others, at the University of St. Gallen and at the Grenoble School of Management (Ecole de Management).

Being exposed to an abundance of visual material in management workshops (e.g. flipcharts, Powerpoint presentations, beamers, moderation materials) and thus experiencing the pictorial-turn in management on a daily basis Claus Noppeney founded the research and consulting platform “cnc” in 2002 (in cooperation with Armin Chodzinski).

Selected fellowships and prizes: Fellowship of the Swiss National Fund (Schweizerischer Nationalfonds) (1995-1996), Amicitia Prize (1997/1998) and Dr. Peter Werhahn Prize (1998/1999).

During his fellowship at Akademie Schloss Solitude, Dr. Claus Noppeney is working on a research project related to the visual culture in a Stuttgart based organization. He is also writing on management as a visual practice and preparing a conference on this topic.