»How to erase language with invasive plants after the Bauhaus« © Marco Pando
June 1, 2017
The fellow generation 2017–2019 has been selected
Akademie Schloss Solitude is happy to announce the names of the 64 fellows who have been selected for 2017–2019 by the international jury around the jury chairman Kaiwan Mehta.
6,600 artists and scientists from 158 countries have downloaded the application form for the selection of the sixteenth generation of Solitude fellows and among them 1,900 candidates from 106 countries finally applied. All in all 64 fellows (34 female and 30 male) from 27 countries were selected by the jury. 461 months from a total of 542 months have already been granted. The fellowship amounts to 1,150 Euro per month. The fellowship program of Akademie Schloss Solitude is thereby largely settled until the end of 2019.
13 of the 64 selected fellows live in Germany, ten in the USA, three each in the Netherlands, in Austria, India and in Croatia, the rest is spread over 21 more countries. For the first time, the Akademie will host artists from Myanmar, Iraq and Peru. As common among artists and scientists, who are generally very flexible and mobile, many of the selected fellows don’t live in the country they have been born and raised; very often they are residents of various countries.
After a first pilot phase in the past year, the new discipline web-based media has been integrated into the general fellowship program. 20 months were granted to journalists, developer/coders, designers, and artists who will work on the development of new digital content and formats during their stay.
The sixteenth generation will also be the last one under the direction of Jean-Baptiste Joly, founding director of Akademie Schloss Solitude who has been running and developing the program for almost 30 years and who will retire in March 2018. The name of the future director who will take over in April 2018, will most likely be announced in fall 2017 by the Ministry for Research, Science and the Arts of the State of Baden-Württemberg.
From January 2018 onwards, the live and work studios will be renovated in several stages.
The next application round of Akademie Schloss Solitude will take place in 2018. The selection process for the generation 2019–2021 will be defined by the new director in accordance with the Solitude board.
Selected fellows:
Architecture (selected by Rahul Mehrotra):
Mariana Jochamowitz (Peru), Nicolas Rivera Bianchi (Peru), Céline Baumann (Germany), Manuel Silva Montenegro (Portugal), Victor Munoz Sanz (Netherlands), Thomidou Alkistis (Germany), Ana Filipovic (Germany).
Visual Arts (selected by Catherine David):
Aykan Safoglu (Germany), Christoph Szalay (Austria), Goutam Gosh (India), Padraig Robinson (Germany), Patrizia Bach (Germany), Imran Channa (Pakistan), Chiara Bugatti (Italiy), Manuel Mathieu (Canada), Dima Hamadeh (Lebanon), Ilana Ortar (Germany), Douglas Rogerson (USA).
Performing Arts (selected by Nicole Gingras):
Ntsikelelo Cekwana (South Africa), Luca Hillen (Netherlands), Maayan Danoch (Germany), Fanti Baum (Germany), Elena Morena Weber (Switzerland), Ana Wild (Belgium), Savyon Fishlovitch (Israel).
Design (selected by Iris Dressler/Hans D. Christ):
Hadja Saran Condé (France), Htoo Naung Kyaw (Myanmar), Zon Phyu (Myanmar), Sophia Guggenberger (Germany), Edith Lázar (Rumania), David Mathews (Austria).
Gernan Literature (selected by Terézia Mora):
Luise Boege (Germany), David Frühauf (Germany /Poland), Regina Dürig (Switzerland), Luke Wilkins (Germany).
International Literature (selected by Ahdaf Soueif):
Simar Preet Kaur (India), Wiam El-Tamami (Egypt), Bojan Kristofic (Croatia), Omar Ali Fadhil (Iraq), Vinicius Jatobá (Brasil), Anelise Chen (USA), Aditi Rao (India).
Music/Sound (selected by Marcus Schmickler):
Jacqueline Gordon (USA), Clara Latham (USA), Janneke van der Putten (Netherlands), James Rushford (Australia), Robert Blatt (USA), Anthony Pateras (Australia), Michael Winter (USA), Luke Wilkins (Germany).
Web-based Media (selected by Nishant Shah):
Dina Karadzic (Croatia), Vedran Gligo (Croatia), Zeljko Blace (Bosnia and Herzegovina).
Time-based Media (selected by Shilpa Gupta):
Susanna Flock (Austria), Tom Rosenberg (USA), Soetkin Verstegen (Belgium).
art, science & business / Humanities (selected by Sunil Khilnani):
Hannah Rogers (USA), Gurur Ertem (Turkey), Lea Morin (Morocco), Douglas Rogerson (USA).
art, science & business / Social Sciences & History (selected by Kaiwan Mehta):
Jared McCormick (USA), Haneen Naamneh (Great Britain), Martin Lamotte (France).
art, science & business / Economy/Economis (selected by Ackbar Abbas):
Naomi Waltham-Smith (USA), Leone Contini Bonacossi (Italy), Manuel Schwab.