»How to erase language with invasive plants after the Bauhaus« © Marco Pando
Apr 12, 2021
New Ecosystem of Knowledge: »The Horizontal Reading Group«
The Horizontal Reading Group is part of the Ecosystems of Knowledge platform, which was created in 2020 by Akademie Schloss Solitude as a new format for collective engagement. This initiative is a rhizome of Gabriella Torres-Ferrer’s residency at the Akademie. The Horizontal Reading Group invites to meet online during these lockdown times to discuss a series of texts and ideas around a wide range of subjects that are of interest to its members. The goal is to create knowledge from different perspectives, along an underlying exploration of non-hierarchical ways of existence; a safe and inclusive space for everybody.
The Horizontal Reading Group takes place every Sunday, find more information here.
Gabriella Torres-Ferrer’s work is interested in the societal transformations implied in the development of modern cybernetics; our digital reality and how this is redefining nature, vis à vis; understanding how old power structures are sustained, and acquire new forms. Their trans-media practice seeks to challenge hegemonic narratives, interfaces, modes of viewership and materialities, often pondering potential for transformation. Connecting internet culture, post-colonial psycho-social landscapes, ecologies and globalization, they are interested in thinking through art and different modes of knowledge. Much of their work deals with the implications of existence within the flows of production and exchange in this globalized networked society; what it means to be a body in this datafied world.
The Horizontal Reading Group has also invited three guest speakers: Mandy Harris Williams on May 6, Tatiana Bazzicelli on May 12, and Karen An-hwei Lee on June 2, 2021.
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