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Jan 10, 2022
Kinga Tóth and Silvia Rosani receive Hannsmann Poethen Felloswhip
»Maislieder« by Kinga Tóth and Silvia Rosani, 2019 at the »Women in Motion« Festival, Graz
The advancement of transdisciplinary and sustainable collaborations is an important aspect of Akademie Schloss Solitude’s promotion of artists. We are therefore particularly delighted that the two former fellows, Kinga Tóth and Silvia Rosani, have been awarded with the 2022 Hannsmann-Poethen Fellowship for their joint project Electrical Jungles.
The Hannsmann-Poethen Literary Fellowship is awarded annually by the State Capital of Stuttgart to a literary-artistic collaborative duo. An author and an artist from different fields receive funding for a joint project.
Kinga Tóth is an author, musician and performer as well as a journalist and linguist. A former fellow of the Eastern European Network, she met the composer Silvia Rosani at Solitude in 2013, where she was completing a cooperation fellowship. The two artists will be investigating feminist reactions to male-dominated social structures within the context of their fellowship, exploring the female body and digital representations of non-verbal female communication.
You can find more information about the fellowship and the project Electrical Jungles here.
Dez 13, 2024
Neda Kovinić: dance performance at National Dance Center in Bucharest
Harry’s Bude as Cuisine Commune, Cuisine Commune as Architecture – Fanti BAUM and Sebastian KLAWITER (Frankfurt/Munich, Germany)