»How to erase language with invasive plants after the Bauhaus« © Marco Pando
Dez 2, 2024
Fanti Baum and Sebastian Klawiter Win Architecture Competition of the PERSPEKTIVE Fonds
Harry’s Bude as Cuisine Commune, Cuisine Commune as Architecture – Fanti BAUM and Sebastian KLAWITER (Frankfurt/Munich, Germany)
With their project idea of a Stuttgart Cuisine Commune, the former Solitude fellows Fanti Baum and Sebastian Klawiter impressed the jury and were awarded first place (ex aequo). Congratulations!
As part of the German-French architecture ideas competition Dream Kitchen, organised by the PERSPEKTIVE Fonds of the Institut français, Fanti Baum and Sebastian Klawiter submitted their design Harry’s Bude as Cuisine Commune, Cuisine Commune as Architecture. The challenge was to design a kitchen of the future, considering the challenges of our modern society. The aim was not only to demonstrate aesthetic ingenuity but also to implement the idea of a social space: a place that facilitates dynamic, entertaining, and respectful interpersonal relationships. The surprising outcome from 89 submissions: the originally planned first to third places, each with varying prize amounts, were replaced with three first places, each awarded €3,333.33, all distinguished by their unique qualities and excellence in their respective fields.
Fanti Baum and Sebastian Klawiter’s Stuttgart Cuisine Commune creates an architectural fusion between Harry’s Bude and the Church of St. Maria, ensuring that the site for food distribution is no longer questioned, while simultaneously establishing a true community kitchen. The church space also opens up to its immediate surroundings:
The jury was impressed by the idea of transforming the existing church space so that food for people in precarious living conditions could be prepared and distributed there. The jury praised the commitment behind the concept as well as the symbolic significance associated with the former function of the cultural heritage site.
The PERSPEKTIVE Fonds is a German-French fund for contemporary art and architecture, initiated in 2014 by the Bureau des arts plastiques of the Institut français d’Allemagne and the French Embassy in Germany. It is supported by the French Ministry of Culture, the Institut français, and the Goethe-Institut. The fund promotes the conception and dissemination of contemporary works and innovative architectural concepts, as well as the internationalization of the art scene in France and Germany.
Fanti Baum lives and works as an artist and theorist in Dortmund, Germany, and Frankfurt am Main, Germany. She engages in various collaborations between the arts, developing performances, installations, dance pieces, and site-specific works.
Sebastian Klawiter is an architect, craftsman, and researcher. He designs and conducts research across various scales at the intersection of craftsmanship, architecture, urban planning, and art.
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