Dez 8, 2020
Fanti Baum (fellow 2020/2021) was awarded the Förderpreis der Stadt Dortmund für Darstellende Kunst
Foto: Jörg Baumann
The artist and dramaturge Fanti Baum (fellow performing arts 2020/2021) was awarded the Förderpreis der Stadt Dortmund für junge Künstler*innen (Award of the city of Dortmund for young artists). The prize has been awarded in a biennial rhythm since 1978 in changing artistic categories and is endowed with a total of 7,500 euros. In addition to Fanti Baum, the actress and director Elisabeth Pleß was also honored.
The jury considers the two prize winners to be strong artistic personalities who think and discover the theater and themselves anew in diverse contexts. The award ceremony took place on December 4, 2020 and can be viewed on the YouTube channel of the city of Dortmund (in German).
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