Design: Basics09
Apr 11, 2017
Exhibition opening »A World in the City. Zoological and Botanic Gardens«
Traveling and exploring the world has always enabled us to meet different peoples, to encounter different cultures and spaces, and to collect artefacts and take them into other contexts. These collections have been used to entertain and to educate, whether in private and feudal collections, the great exhibitions, or today’s zoological and botanic gardens.
Curator Kaiwan Mehta has invited Jitish Kallat, Sonia Mehra Chawla, Sahej Rahal, Shelagh Keeley and author Ruth Padel to address this ‘world in the city’. They explore the stories and the practices of entertainment and knowledge production, and of artistic documentation and reproduction in the context of zoological and botanical gardens.
Kaiwan Mehta is the jury chairman of Akademie Schloss Solitude from 2015–2017.
On view: May 5 until July 2, 2017
Place: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen, Charlottenplatz 17, 70173 Stuttgart
Opening hours: Tuesday until sunday, 12 am–6 pm
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