»How to erase language with invasive plants after the Bauhaus« © Marco Pando
Apr 12, 2022
Digital poetry project »Waking up going to sleep« by Sofie Verraest and Gabriella Torres-Ferrer
In the digital project Waking up going to sleep veröffentlichen Sofie Verraest and Gabriella Torres-Ferrer publish poetry and photography daily on social media. Akademie Schloss Solitude considers this collaboration, which emerged from the former fellows’ joint stay at the Akademie, an exciting development.
Foto: Gabriella Torres-Ferrer
»Poems about waking up and going to sleep. Half fake to make you awake half-real to make you sleep. Not always good rhymes at all times OK« @wakingupgoingtosleep
Former fellows Sofie Verraest and Gabriella Torres-Ferrer met during their residencies at Akademie Schloss Solitude in 2020. This resulted in a collaboration currently reflected in a digital project that has been taking place on social media over the course of several months: In the series Waking up going to sleep, a poem (by Sofie Verraest) is combined with an accompanying image (by Gabriella Torres-Ferrer) and shared every day on the project’s social media channels – at the precise time they go to bed and get up.
Sofie Verraest is a writer, performer and cultural worker. She writes prose, nonfiction and poetry and teaches literature, creative writing and urban and architectural theory.
The work of the multimedia artist Gabriella Torres-Ferrer addresses the social transformations elicited by the development of modern cybernetics.
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