»How to erase language with invasive plants after the Bauhaus« © Marco Pando
Nov 7, 2018
Alice Salomon poetics award goes to Christoph Szalay, fellow March to June 2018
We are pleased for our former fellow Christoph Szalay, poet and artist from Graz, who receives the Alice Salomon poetics award. The award ceremony will take place as part of the solemn New Year’s reception of Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin in January 2019.
The award honors artists who contribute to the further development of literary, visual as well as acoustic arts through their formal language and diversity, always working and operating in an interdisciplinary way. The award is combined with an Alice Salomon poetics lectureship as part of the master’s program »biographical and creative writing« introduced in 2007. The prize is endowed with 6,000 euros.
Christoph Szalay, born 1987 in Graz/Austria, graduated in German studies at the University of Graz and in »Art in Context« at Berlin University of Fine Arts. Since 2017, the poet, artist and curator has also been in charge of the literature program at Forum Stadtpark in Graz. Published works are »stadt/land/fluss. Gedichte« (Leykam 2009), »flimmern. Gedichte« (Leykam 2012), and »Asbury Park, NJ« (Luftschacht 2013).
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