Design: Stegmeyer Fischer Creative Studios
In this public workshop, the SMAQ discusses the 45 hectars of urban culture in the desert of Dubai, Jean-Francois Chevrier speaks on the philosopher Henri Lefebvre and the concept of urbanity, and Fabrizio Gallanti discusses current issues in urban planning with Pier Vittorio Aureli.
All discussions will take place in English.
Introduction by Fabrizio Gallanti and Jean-Baptiste Joly
Pier Vittorio Aureli: Building Urbanity
Jean-Francois Chevrier: The Question of Urbaniy and the Loss of Public Space Today
Lunch Break
SMAQ: How to delevop a 45 ha masterplan for a new urban area in the Dubai?
Srdjan Jovanovic Weiss: Evasions of Urbanity
Pier Vittorio Aureli studied architecture at the Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia (IUAV) as well as earning his doctorate at the Berlage Institut of the TU Delft. He now is an instructor at the Berlage Institute and a guest professor at the Architectural Association in London and Columbia University in New York. Aureli is currently working on the publication »The Possibility of an Absolute Architecture, a Study on the Representation of the City through Architectural Form, from Bramante to Mies«.
Jean-François Chevrier has instructed contemporary art history at the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris since 1988. It is there he began his international career as an author and curator. In his essays, Chervier deals with the relationship between literature and art; in his catalog essays with photography of the 20th and 21st century. Chevrier is among the most recognized theorists in the areas of photography, literature and art.
Fabrizio Gallanti, a doctor of architectural history, is a cofounder of the architecture collective A12 (Genoa/Milan), which has participated in numerous international exhibitions. After a longer residence in Santiago de Chile as a professor for architecture at the Pontifica University Catolica, Gallanti now lives and works as an architect in Milan and writes for such architecture magazines as Abitare, Domus and 32. Gallanti was a Solitude fellow in 1997, and served as jury chairman from 2002 – 2006.
SMAQ (Berlin/Rotterdam), founded by architects Sabine Müller and Andreas Quednau, is a studio for architecture, urbanism and research ( Müller was an Akademie fellow in 2001; Quednau in 2004/2005.
Srdjan Jovanovic Weiss studied architecture at the University of Belgrade and at Harvard University’s School of Design. He realizes his architectural projects under the name »Normal Architecture Office«, and research projects under »School of Missing Studies«. In 2006 he published »Almost Architecture« during his Solitude fellowship, introducing architectural projects and interconnecting them with political texts about the impossibility of planning public space in post-communist countries with conventional architectural forms and content. Weiss is currently employed with Herzog de Meuron Architects in Basel. Srdjan Jovanovic Weiss was an Akademie fellow during 2004/2005.
Please register for this event with Marieanne Roth, Tel. 0711-99619-474, Admission free
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