Design: Stegmeyer Fischer Creative Studios
From April 10 to 1, 2018, the second summit on art, theory, and civil society takes place at Kunstgebäude Stuttgart.
New Narratives 2: Thinking Economics Differently negotiates—in open seminars and workshops, lectures, discussions, performances, and films—sociopolitical fields of conflict. One such issue is the question of alternatives to a primarily economically shaped concept of growth, and how this might be realized through criteria of a social and cultural nature oriented to the common good.
A project by Akademie Schloss Solitude, Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (ifa), Schauspiel Stuttgart, Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart, Theater Rampe and Württembergischer Kunstverein with the support of the Ministry for Research, Science and the Arts of the State of Baden-Württemberg.
The summit includes seminars, workshops, lectures, performances and film contributions from various theoretical, artistic and activist contexts.
On April 13 and 14, 2018 two workshops by Z. Blace & ccSPORT (Solitude fellow in the discipline of web-based media) will take place: #theTeamEUROPE2050 & Commoning & Co-Creation of SPORT.
#theTeamEUROPE2050 is a visual concept presented in posters and online media that evokes imagination beyond nation-state identity, as well as makes us rethink concepts of political agency, participation, formation, institution and representation. It syncs to global sport mega-events as a response to eruptive nationalism and hyper-mediation/industrialization of sport. First produced in February 2018 for the Winter Olympics as #theColderOLYMPIX series initiated by Zeljko Blace, with the ccSPORT artivist connective and fellows of Akademie Schloss Solitude, with support of Schauspiel Stuttgart/NORDlabor. This workshop will develop follow-ups, updates, new versions and iterations to coincide with FIFA World Cup in June and is a cooperation of Zeljko Blace with fellows of Akademie Schloss Solitude.
Commoning & co-creation of SPORT is a workshop for examining the field of sport
as a space of norming, normalization and identity forming tensions,
but also as space for intervention, emancipation, communal and personal development:
– by re-claiming it and self-organizing for addressing the neo-liberal mode of operation…
– by generating synergies between artists, athletes, activists, and academics at intersections…
– by connecting, cross-pollinating, co-creating spaces and commoning resources and practices…
– by escalating progressive work and opening media tabus of degrowth of industrialized sport…
from critical and creative approaches, alternative futures will be imagined and materialized.
ccSPORT networking and sport activism work is supported by Guerrilla Foundation.
Further information and the detailed program of the summit can be found here.
Open seminars: April 10 to 12, 2018
Summit: April 12 to 15, 2018
Workshops #theTeamEUROPE2050 & Commoning & Co-Creation of SPORT: April 13, 2018, 11:30 am–13:30 pm and April 14, 11:00 am–13:00 pm
Where: Kunstgebäude Stuttgart, Schlossplatz 2, 70173 Stuttgart