Design: Basics09
Oct 7, 2020
»Transformation – Unfolding the Future«
Thesis lecture by Nikita Dhawan
Thesis lecture by Nikita Dhawan
»The Future Is a Risk Masquerading as a Promise«
The online lecture and workshop series »Transformation – Unfolding the Future« brings together international scientists and artists who make significant contributions on the question of how we want to shape our society and our coexistence. In their research, they raise questions on new concepts for social transformations, political invention and solidarity. The role that artists and artistic production plays in the unfolding of the future is at the core of the lecture and workshop series.
The novel digital format is a response both to the global health pandemic and climate crisis, thinking through accessibility and affordances of participation without travel. It was developed by Nishant Shah, vice-president Research at ArtEZ University of the Arts, The Netherlands, together with Akademie Schloss Solitude. The lecture and workshop series is a forum for research and exchange in times of social distancing. Furthermore, it offers an option to engage with the distributed and global communities of Akademie Schloss Solitude.
The individual modules consist of a thesis lecture, which will be released online for several weeks. During this time questions, suggestions and feedback can be shared. A moderator from Akademie Schloss Solitude gathers the questions and synthesizes some of the key aspects. In the next step, they will be discussed with the speaker in an online live event. The recordings feed into a growing archive, which will be made permanently accessible on our website.
The thesis lecture »The Future Is a Risk Masquerading As a Promise« by Nikita Dhawan has been published on September 23, 2020 at 7 pm (CEST) here and on the Vimeo channel. It is free of charge and can be accessed without registration.
On October 7, 2020 at 7 pm an online conversation between Nikita Dhawan and Maria do Mar Castro (Alice-Salomon-Hochschule Berlin) took place. The discussion also includes feedback, questions and comments from the audience of the thesis lecture.
Follow the online conversation
Thesis lecture: Wednesday, September 23, 2020, 7 pm
Online conversation: Wednesday, October 7, 2020, 7 pm, moderated by María do Mar Castro Varela
We are pleased to welcome Nikita Dhawan, one of the most distinguished speakers in the field of political theory and gender studies. In her lecture she will deal with the question of how to imagine a future that detaches itself from our imperialist past and present. Drawing on historical positions such as Vladimir Lenin, Theodor Adorno and Jacques Derrida, she approaches the question »What is to be done?«, to which she attempts to respond with Angela Davis’ research on the conditions for social change.
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