Design: Basics09
In cooperation with the Literaturhaus Stuttgart, the Akademie Schloss Solitude invited 140 authors (current and past fellows from the areas of literature, theater, theory and philosophy as well as jurors, employees and guests of the Akademie) to each write a »unwieldy« word in their mother tongue. »Unwieldy« means words that are not easily explained; which, so to speak, are resistant, difficult to understand, contradictory or untranslatable. From the contributions, three readings are organized, each with four authors. With the title Lexikon der sperrigen Wörter (Dictionary of unwieldy Words), the collaborative publication with altogether 194 entries in 13 languages, is printed in the original language as well as German. The Swiss artist Sandra Boeschenstein enriches the dictionary with her drawings on the topics. The original drawings are on view from October 26 to December 12, 2010, in an exhibition at the Literaturhaus Stuttgart.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010, 8pm
Exhibition opening with the original drawings by Sandra Boeschenstein.
Reading: Unwieldy words with Anke te Heesen, Ulrike Draesner, Gerhard Falkner and Christophe Marchand-Kiss.
Moderation: Florian Höllerer
Location: Literaturhaus Stuttgart
Tuesday, November 2, 2010, 8pm
Reading: Unwieldy words in other languages with Yang Liang, Nora Iuga, Pauls Bankovskis and Paola Balzarro.
Moderation: Jean-Baptiste Joly.
Location: Literaturhaus Stuttgart
Tuesday, November 9, 2010, 8pm
Reading: Unwieldy words in German dialect with Sabine Peters, Grazia Pergoletti, Anja Utler and Tim Krohn.
Moderation: Joachim Kalka.
Location: Literaturhaus Stuttgart
With the friendly support of the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung gGmbH and the Swiss General Consulate in Stuttgart.
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