Design: Stegmeyer Fischer Creative Studios
Many overlaps exists between the world of image and the worlds of the law. The history of law is full of images, disputed images and forbidden images. The object of the symposium is the legal framing of images. The actuality results from the observation that the juristic framing of images is fraying with the use of new technology and the increasing flood of pictures. The legal system is about to lose its hegemony via the representation and circulation of pictures.
The symposium will observe functioning image regimes as well as their disturbance in the history and the presence of legal systems. Scientists of various disciplines, practitioners and artists will speak.
Lecturers are Friedrich Balke, philosopher and literary scientist, Cologne; Claudia Blümle, art historian, Weimar; André Brodocz, political scientist, Dresden; Matthias Bruhn*, art historian, Berlin; Monika Dommann, scientific historian, Zürich; Christine Karallus, cultural scientist, Essen; Alexander Klett, jurist, Munich; Werner Leitner, jurist, Munich; Helmut Lethen, literary scientist Rostock; Kristin Marek*, art historian Karlsruhe; Laércio Redondo*, artist, Stockholm; Fabian Steinhauer, legal scientist, Frankfurt.
The symposium starts on Thursday the 24. November 2005 at 8pm with a tour through the video installation “Listen to me” by artist Laércio Redondo.
You are cordially invited to take part in the symposium (registration and detailed program from Angela Butterstein,, Tel 0711-99619-134).
In German
Thursday 8pm, Fri 9.30am – 6pm, Sat 10am – 4pm
*Matthias Bruhn, Kristin Marek und Laércio Redondo are fellows at the Akademie Schloss Solitude.
The symposium was initiated by Cornelia Vismann, legal scientist and Thomas Weitin, literary scientist.
art, science & business was made possible through the financial support of the Landesstiftung Baden-Württemberg.
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