Design: Stegmeyer Fischer Creative Studios
The importance of cities as human habitats is steadily increasing. More than half of the world’s human population presently lives in cities – they are the motor of economic and societal development. At the advent of the 21st century, cities are transforming themselves through new possibilities for mobility: the individual combination of various modes of transportation and communication makes a new urban life possible for city-dwellers and continually blurs the boundaries between public and private spaces.
The symposium »Moving in a Smarter City« is dedicated to the question of which societal shifts cities are subject to and which challenges need to be posed upon the mobility of tomorrow. Even beyond industrialized nations, the postindustrial age’s foundation lies upon multimediality, flexibility, technological and individual information. But how do tomorrow’s »smart cities« (William J. Mitchell, MIT) look? These are the issues that will be addressed by the symposium from the 1st to the 2nd March 2007, organized jointly by the Akademie Schloss Solitude, the ICN Business School, Nancy and Villes 2.0, Paris.
The symposium will take place at Akademie Schloss Solitude.
Conference language will be English.
Registration with Catharina Märklin,, T. 0711-99619-134.
The art, science & business program is made possible through the financial support of the Baden-Württemberg Landesstiftung Foundation, the City of Stuttgart as well as the LBBW Arts and Culture Foundation.
Thursday, March 1, 2007
8:00 pm
Welcome and Introduction by Jean-Baptiste Joly, Director of Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart and Stéphane Boiteux, General Director of ICN Business School, Nancy
following presentations
»Stuttgart and the Challenge of Mobility«, Wolfgang Schuster, Lord Mayor of Stuttgart
»The Smart City: The Three Hubs and Their Interaction«, Bruno Marzloff, Groupe Chronos, Paris
Hubs: In the 1990s, »hubs« referred to the optimization of air-transport systems and the modification of flow within physical networks. Today, this »distributed« mobility is changing scale: with the diversification of transportation systems, hubs operate throughout the urban network and modify the very concept of urban mobility.
Friday, March 2, 2007
I. Section »Between Smart and Smarter«, 9:00 am – 1:30 pm, Lectures
Moderation by Jean-Baptiste Joly
with Georges Amar, Director of Innovation in Services, RATP, Paris; Klaus Georg Bürger, Director of Coordination Technology Projects, Robert Bosch GmbH, Stuttgart; Volkmar Döricht, Corporate Technology, Siemens AG, Munich and Frederico Casalegno, Visiting Research Scientist at the Research Group »Smart Cities«, MIT Media Laboratory, Cambridge/MA.
André Rossinot, the Mayor of Nancy, will join the section with a video conference in French, simultaneously translated into English.
II. Section »Hubs and Networks in the Pervasive City. The Permanent Accessibility to Places and Resources«, Panel Discussion, 3:00 – 4:30 pm
Introduction and Moderation by Daniel Kaplan, Délégué général of FING, Paris
with Albert Asseraf, Strategy, Marketing and Research Director of JCDecaux Airport and JCDecaux Artvertising for France, Neuilly-sur-Seine; Stefano Mirti, Coordinator Design Department, NABA, Milan; Ligia Nobre, Architect, Sao Paulo; Patrick Jourdan, Director of Sales and Marketing of VINCIPark, Nanterre.
III. Section »Hubs, Networks and Individual Needs in a Smart City. A New Organization of the City Around the Individuals«, Panel Discussion, 5:00 – 6:30 pm
Introduction and Moderation by Georges Amar
with Chantal de Gournay, Laboratoire UCE, France Télécom Research & Development, Issy-les-Moulineaux; Tilo F. Schweers, Manager Homologation, Special Vehicles and Technical Communication, DaimlerChrysler AG, Böblingen and others.
Final Conclusion of the symposium by Bruno Marzloff and Jean-Baptiste Joly
participated in