Design: Stegmeyer Fischer Creative Studios
Marlene Pschorr (horn), Helen Adler (violin), Elias Leonard Opferkuch (piano)
Charles Koechlin
Quatre petites pièces
Johann Sebastian Bach
Solo-Sonate Nr 1, g.moll
Franz Schubert
Impromptu op. 90, Es – Dur
Reinhold Glière
Nocturne op.35 Nr. 10
Don Banks
Eugène Bozza
En Forêt, op. 40
Frédéric Chopin
Ballade Nr.1 g – moll op. 23
Johannes Brahms
Trio in Es – Dur op. 40
Short biographies
Marlene Pschorr(*1993 in Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany) began winning national first prizes early, with the highest possible awarded points in the competition “Jugend musiziert”. Pschorr has been a preparatory student at the State University for Music and Performing Arts in Stuttgart with professors Christian Lampert and Erich Penzel since 2007, and is currently a fellow of the Deutschen Stiftung Musikleben (German Foundation of Musical Life). She is also a member of the provincial youth orchestra of Baden-Württemberg and the National Youth Orchestra, where she is active as a horn soloist.
Helen Adler (*1994 in Stuttgart, Germany) performed at the early age of 12 with the RSO Stuttgart as a soloist in the “Young Talents” series. For the past two years, she has studied as a preparatory student at the State University for Music and Performing Arts in Stuttgart with Emily Körner, as well as in the chamber music class of professor Peter Buck. In 2008, Adler performed as the youngest member of the Landesjugendorchester (provincial youth orchestra) and has been its concert mistress since fall 2009. She has won several national-level first prizes in the competition “Jugend musiziert” (“Youth makes music”) and is a member of the German Youth Orchestra.
Elias Leonard Opferkuch (*1996 in Aalen, Germany) received his earliest musical training at the Youth Music School in Rosenstein, Germany. Various prizes followed, among them a major win at the national level of the competition “Jugend musiziert” in the categories of horn and piano as well as chamber music and marimba. Opferkuch has been a student of professor Volker Stenzl in 2009. In 2010 he won first prize at the international Marimba Festival in Nuremberg as well as the Hindemith Foundation’s special prize at the New Music contest in Freiburg. He has since been a fellow of the Deutschen Stiftung Musikleben (German Foundation of Musical Life).
Admission: 15 euros/reduced price 10 euros, not including public transportation
Tickets available at SKS Russ (Tel. 0711/163 53 21) and at the door: Charlottenplatz 17, 70173 Stuttgart
No assigned seating!
A concert series of the Akademie Schloss Solitude and the Rudolf Eberle Foundation.