Design: Stegmeyer Fischer Creative Studios
Screening Program July 6 – 24, 2010
With films and videos by
bankleer, Patricia Esquivias, Korpys / Löffler, Elena Kovylina, Christine Meisner, Olivier Menanteau, Damir Ocko, Monika Oechsler, Amie Siegel, Helene Sommer, José Carlos Teixeira, Alexey Terehoff, Ingrid Wildi
– Tuesday, July 13, 2010, 7pm
Amie Siegel, Empathy, 2003, 92′
Empathy reverses the psychoanalytic gaze back onto the psychoanalyst. Three genres—fiction, screen test & documentary interview—provoke questions about power, manipulation and understanding. A fictional narrative about a voice-over actress in psychoanalysis interweaves with “screen tests” of actresses auditioning for her role in Empathy, as well as interviews with actual psychoanalysts (Amie Siegel)
participated in