With works by Ines Birkhan/Bertram Dhellemmes, Matthew Gottschalk and Alisa Margolis
The exhibition ¡Remediate! takes place in conjunction with the innovative research project of the same title – a cooperation between Merz Akademie, Hochschule für Gestaltung Stuttgart, Akademie Schloss Solitude, MFG Filmförderung Baden-Württemberg and the Landesanstalt für Kommunikation (LFK). This project will be presented and discussed on the basis of three showcase exhibition projects by Matthew Gottschalk, Alisa Margolis and Ines Birkhan/Bertram Dhellemmes.
The opening speech will be given by Gabriele Röthemeyer, Managing Director of the Filmförderung, MFG Baden-Württemberg mbH and Jean-Baptiste Joly, Akademie director.
Angel Meat offers a narrative walk through the history of the Dancing on Ashes Cabaret Show. With the helpf of diverse media like video, texts, a website and blog, objects, photos and images the story and development of the show will be told. It is a fiction with invented characters who only exist in a transmedial form.
This work is the exploration through the artist personal development of identity. It is the artist’s belief that internal processing of the external world forms the identity, and thus a non-linear map of the artist’s experience has been created and acted out. Selected scenes of popular films from the artist’s childhood have been appropriated, reedited and interacted with, in order to depict the artist’s personal space and identification within his own subjective and social construct.
A major facet of the identity of the artist is the role of the creator, and a major aspect to the nature of being is the role of the created. In order to depict this duality of creator and created, the artist has constructed a mother puppet that can give birth to a child puppet through documented performance by the artist. The necessity of the artist in this relationship between mother and child is absolute. The performance illustrates the artist as human, needing to not only create, but to wrestle with the source of his own having been created.
In Ecstatic Liberation Schtück, Alisa Margolis intervenes directly into the aesthetic and historical mediation of Schloss Solitude – presenting a new site-specific series of paintings installed in the main ballroom of the rococo palace.
Alisa Margolis’ work combines the quotational impulses of appropration art with the all-over forms and open-ended approach of action or process painting. Taking up modes of spectacle and the sublime, Margolis neither critiques nor validates these forms, but rather moves through them in an ambivalent process of engagement. Taking images from horror films or KISS concerts as reference points for paintings, the paintings both emulate the achievement of such spectacles and dramatize the question of their possible limit, or even banality.
In this new project, Margolis draws upon her year long research into the history and representation of Weimar Ausdrucktanz, the Expressionist dance culture that was particularly strong in Stuttgart. Ecstatic Liberation Schtück takes up this visual language as the point of departure for a series of large-scale paintings, an invasion of the aesthetic-ideological construction crystallized by the Schloss Ballroom and the allegorical murals it contains.
Alisa Margolis`exhibition is on view at the Schloss during the official opening hours: Tue – Sa. 1.30pm – 4pm and Su 10am – 4pm.
From Friday, November 19th through Sunday, November 21st, 2010 an exhibition and presentation with further projects (alltogether six) will take place at Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart. The presentation with an introduction to all ¡Remediate! projects will be on November 20th, 2010 from 4.30 to 8.30pm at the Kunstverein.
EXHIBITION ON VIEW: Fr, November 19th, 2010 to Sun, January 9th, 2011. The exhibition will be closed from December 24th to 26th, 2010, from December 31st, 2011 to January 1st, and on January 7, 2011.
OPENING HOURS: Tue–Thu 10–12am & 2–5.30 pm, Fr 10–12am & 2–4pm, Sa–Su 12am–4pm
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