Design: Stegmeyer Fischer Creative Studios
Danniel Schoonebeek will read a selection of his recent writing, including two new poems which he wrote during his fellowship at Akademie Schloss Solitude.
the first 100
endless loop no. 67
The reading is accompanied by a pamphlet of poems by Schoonebeek, translated into German by M. Brown and designed by Ricardo Portilho Mattos.
Followed by a DJ set by Benny Schröter, singer of the band Karies.
The evening is a collaboration between Akademie Schloss Solitude and Korridor, initiated by Johanna Markert and Elmar Mellert.
Danniel Schoonebeek is the author of American Barricade (YesYes Books, 2014) and Trébuchet, a 2015 National Poetry Series selection (University of Georgia Press, 2016). A recipient of a 2015 Ruth Lilly and Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Poetry Fellowship from Poetry Foundation, recent work appears in Poetry, The New Yorker, American Poetry Review, and elsewhere. Currently, he is a fellow at Akademie Schloss Solitude.
M. Brown is a poet, editor and translator currently pursuing an M.A. in Übersetzungswissenschaft at the University of Heidelberg in Germany. Mike grew up in Heidelberg and Stuttgart, Germany, where his father was stationed in various postings with the U.S. Army. He recently completed his first full-length manuscript of poetry and continues to work as a German-language editor for a commercial translation company in his free time.
Ricardo Portilho Mattos is a designer and researcher from Brazil. His research projects take the language of graphic design as a starting point to deal with reality, and to produce work that can take form in diverse media and contexts. His works were exhibited at amongst others Cidade Gráfica, Itaú Cultural, São Paulo/Brazil (2014) and the 10th Brazilian Graphic Design Biennal (2013). Currently, he is a fellow at Akademie Schloss Solitude.
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