Design: Stegmeyer Fischer Creative Studios
Under the auspices of the exchange program between the Akademie Schloss Solitude and the József-Attila Circle in Budapest, a reading with the authors István László G. (Solitude fellow in 2008), Dénes Krusovszky (Solitude fellow in 2009) and Zsolt Nagy Koppány (Solitude fellow in 2009) takes place at Solitude. With an introduction by Tibor Keresztury, Director of the Cultural Institute of the Republic of Hungary in Stuttgart.
In cooperation with the Cultural Institute of the Republic of Hungary in Stuttgart.
Free admission
István László G. (*1972 in Budapest/Hungary) studied English and Romance languages at the Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest and earned a doctoral degree with a work on Hungarian metrics. He is a poet, translator, literature critic and instructor. G. has published several volumes of poetry, and his poems and translations have appeared in Hungarian newspapers, literary magazines and poetry collections. In 2008, he was a fellow at the Akademie Schloss Solitude; in September is poetry collection Sandfuge appears through merz&solitude.
Dénes Krusovszky (*1982 in Debrecen/Hungary) studied Hungarian language and literature, comparative literature and aesthetics at the Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest. He is a poet, critic and publisher of the literary quarterly Pushkin Utca [Pushkin Street]. In 2006, Krusovszky published the poetry collection Az összes nevem [All of My Names]; his second book appears in 2009. Dénes Krusovszky is a 2009 Akademie Schloss Solitude fellow.
Zsolt Nagy Koppány (*1978 in Marosvásarhely/Rumania) studied Hungarian and English language and literary studies at the Babes-Bolay University in Kolozsvár, Romania. He has worked as a novelist, translator and instructor. His texts have been published in several countries, in languages including Hungarian, Romanian, English, German and Bulgarian. Zsolt Nagy Koppány is a 2009 fellow at the Akademie Schloss Solitude.
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