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Liliana Corobca
Das Reich der alten Jungfern (The Empire of the Old Spinsters)
The »old woman«, ignored, disdained, obviously bored, old fashioned, uninteresting and known to be despondent, never had the chance (in the author’s opinion) to play a role in society or in a book. But now the gracious Miss Rafira Sic (38 years old and only been kissed twice) has the opportunity to play the protagonist in Liliana Corobca’s Das Reich der alten Jungfern (The Empire of the Old Spinsters) … a poetic, funny, sarcastic and perhaps a little bit erotic novel.
Liliana Corobca (*1975 in Săseni-Călăraşi/Moldova) studied at the faculty for philology at the State University of Moldova in Chisinau and finished her doctorate degree in literary sciences at the University of Bucharest. Since 2002, she has worked at the George Calinescu Institute for literary history and theory in Bucharest. For her first novel Negrissimo (Arc publishers Chisinau, 2003), she was granted the Prometheus prize and the prize of the Moldavian Writers’ Union. Her second novel Un an în Paradis [A year in paradise] (Cartea Romaneasca Bucharest, 2005, was released in Italian in 2009. Liliana Corobca is a Solitude fellow in 2009/2010.
Dirk Schulte
Körper (Bodies)
Dirk Schulte reads from his short story collection Körper (Bodies), which appeared in October 2009 through merz&solitude. His stories are snapshots of moments, appraisals or snippets of the life stories of people that we think we know. But the apparent familiarity always leads the reader back to a state of melancholy and insecurity: Do we really know our friends, partners, acquaintances and colleagues? Do we really know ourselves?
Dirk Schulte (*1979 in Soest/Germany) was educated as an industrial clerk and later as a state certified educator. He studied at the Deutsches Literaturinstitut Leipzig until 2005. Besides being an author, Dirk Schulte works in handicapped care. He was a Solitude fellow in 2007/2008.
In addition, the French author and current Solitude fellow Martin Page will read his text »La Perte«, which he has just finished, in French with German and English translations.
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