Design: Stegmeyer Fischer Creative Studios
Hungarian poet János Térey reads from his most recent anthology of verse, Ultra (publication date 2006), in the context of the exchange program with the József Attila Circle in Budapest. Zsófia Lóránd, literary academic, publisher of the József Attila Circle World Literature Series and the exchange program’s coordination fellow, leads into the reading with some observations on Hungary’s emerging literary scene. Tibor Keresztury, literary academic and the new director of the Hungarian Cultural Institute in Stuttgart, will talk to János Térey about his lyric poetry. The reading will be held in Hungarian and German.
János Térey (*1970 in Debrecen/Hungary) lives and works as a poet, playwright and literary translator in Budapest. Numerous poetry anthologies by János Térey have been published, including Természetes arrogancia (The Natural Arrogance, 1993), Tulajdonosi szemlélet (Possessors’ Aspect, 1997), Termann hagyományai (Termann’s Traditions, 1997), Sonia útja a Saxonia mozitól a Pirnai térig (Sonia’s Way from Saxonia Cinema to the Pirnai Square, 2003), the post-modern epic Paulus (2001) and the trilogy A Nibelung-lakópark (The Nibelung Housing Estate). János Térey is an Akademie fellow in 2006.
Admission free
In cooperation with the Hungarian Cultural Institute in Stuttgart, celebrating the Hungarian cultural year, “Focus on Hungary”.
With the generous support of the Ministry for Science, Research and Art in Baden-Württemberg
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