Design: Basics09
Anja Utler: brinnen
Oswald Egger: Lustrationen
Moderated by Hans Thill
Both were Akademie Schloss Solitude fellows and published works in the Edition Solitude, but a time period of ten years lay between their residences. Now the two poets Anja Utler and Oswald Egger come together for the first time in Stuttgart to read from their newest collections of poetry in the Literaturhaus.
Utler’s poems promise a present in which the process of experiencing is not cut in a straight line. In feeling, hearing, seeing, in the reluctant movement of flight and evocation, the happenings fan out – and with it, the language: In the lyrical audio book “brinnen”, the author leads a conversation with her own voice. She follows fragments of poetry, stops, interrupts herself, picks up threads and tries to conceal the spoken in her own speaking. In this way, a multilayered and undulating sound landscape emerges through “brinnen’s” textual landscape that exists in unique form only once.
In his work, rich in words and concepts, Oswald Egger has continually proven the highest level of awareness of language and form. Now he shows insights into the “Poem as life form” in his new volume “Lustrationen”. Along an atlas of movements of thought and words, of speaking pictures, he explores the essence of the poetic. What emerges is a fascinating fan of aspects – Lustrationen – in the inner processes and conditional space of the poem, in the implicit knowledge of poetic deed.
Anja Utler (*1973) lives as a poet in Vienna. Recently published were the audio book “brinnen” through the edition merz&solitude: Stuttgart 2006 and the poetry volume of the same name in the Edition Korrespondenzen: Vienna 2006. She was an Akademie fellow in 2005/2006.
Oswald Egger (*1963) lives in Hombroich. The poetry volume “Lustrationen” will appear in the edition suhrkamp in 2007. Egger was an Akademie fellow in 1996 and published the volume “Juli, September, August – Poem” in the Edition Solitude. He was the recipient of the Christian-Wagner-Preis in Leonberg in late 2006.
A cooperation of the Akademie Schloss Solitude with the Literaturhaus Stuttgart.
Admission 7/5/3.50 Euro
Tel./Reservations Buchhandlung Literaturhaus: 0711-284290-4
Literaturhaus Stuttgart, Breitscheidstr. 4, 70174 Stuttgart
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