Design: Stegmeyer Fischer Creative Studios
People have attempted to shift their consciousness by influencing conditions of the brain since time immemorial. Traditionally this occurs through indirectly controlling the brain, for example through mind-altering substances, meditative peace or suggestion. A relatively new development that could win significant meaning is represented by neuroprostheses – miniaturized technical device with whose help signals from the brain regions are read or can be directly fed into the nerve system. Research tracks wide-reaching approaches reaching from constructing visual prostheses to steering robots through nerve cell activity. In the areas where science, philosophy and art intersect, the question will be discussed whether and how such new developments in brain research could possibly shift our self-image and our experience.
Participating in the podium discussion are Sandra Boeschenstein (artist, Bern; 2003/2004 Solitude fellow), Andreas K. Engel (Director of the Institut für Neurophysiologie und Pathophysiologie at the University clinic Hamburg-Eppendorf) and Michael Hagner (Professor for scientific research, ETH Zürich).
The art, science & business program is made possible with the financial support of the Landesstiftung Baden-Württemberg, the Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart as well as the LBBW Foundation for art and culture.
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