Design: Stegmeyer Fischer Creative Studios
The projector won’t work. Ad-libbing, the projectionist finally says »So, I’ll start, and the film will come when it comes.« The brave man mutates into a film narrator – reports, acts out and comments on what would have been on view. […]Nothing is too crazy for him; he pantomimes his interpretation of the highlands, mimes a shepherd, makes an effort to play the bagpipe. And, in front of the audience, he transcends his drudging daily life and morphs into an imaginary hero with a kilt, war paint and colossal swords. It’s as if the role was written for Dechant. He plays the dilettante, but isn’t one. He has great moments describing love, and admits his own small defeats in reality. […]
You don’t need to have seen the film in order to understand the piece. And afterward, you don’t really want to.
Duration: 90 Minutes
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