Design: Stegmeyer Fischer Creative Studios
Ekkehard Kappler’s public lecture entitled Number, letter, image – or vice versa?) orporate image and reality) is a part of the What do managers see?) workshop, due to take place on two weekends in April and May in the Akademie Schloss Solitude. Key terms from cultural studies such as image flood, visual historical turning point or iconic turn are symptomatic of a shift in public culture. They simultaneously suggest a development that is also occurring at corporate level. The two-part workshop will precipitate a mutual examination, by entrepreneurs, scientists and artists, of questions such as: What does efficiency resemble? The shift of iconic turn management into a visual exercise? What can you observe in organizations?, “Company as text” vs. “Company as image“?
Ekkehard Kappler is professor of business administration at the University of Innsbruck, and is noted for his foundation of the Faculty of Economics at the Private University of Witten/Herdecke, where he was the long-time dean. One of his guiding ideas is “the practice constitutes the complete theory”. The lecture refers to his critical controlling-related image theory, drawing on his broad experiences in research, teaching and practice.
The project was instigated by Claus Noppeney, Berlin consultant and art, science & business fellow in 2005.
The Was sehen Manager? (What do managers see?) workshop takes place on April 7-9 and May 4–7 2006.
To register, contact Julia Warmers,, tel. +49 (0) 711-99619-135. For further information, go to:
art, science & business is made possible through the financial support of the Baden-Württemberg Landesstiftung Foundation, the state capital Stuttgart and the LBBW Arts and Culture Foundation.
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