Following the workshop »What’s Work Worth?« on Sunday, June 2, 2013, François Vatin’s talk on Monday, June 3 will center on the relationship between performance and work.
The notion of performance, not only referring to performance art, but also to the quantifiable product of work, is especially fruitful to elaborate the question of how the value of work can be defined. What is work, as a performance, really worth? Answering this question requires to rethink the work’s ability to generate socially acknowledged values, considering the singularity of the acts of work on the one hand and the productive designation of work on the other hand.
The evening will be moderated by Manuel Boutet.
François Vatin is professor for sociology (with the focus on work and economy) at the University of Paris Ouest-Nanterre La Défense. Since 2009 he has been director of the Master degree program »Economie et Société« and the doctorate program »Economie, Organisation, Société«. Vatin is an expert on the topics of work, wage, socio-economy and the notion of progress. His publications include the books L’espérance-monde: Essais sur l’idée de progrès à l’heure de la mondialisation (2012) and Le travail et ses valeurs (2008, ed. Albin Michel), amongst others.
Manuel Boutet is a former fellow of the art, science & business program of Akademie Schloss Solitude and a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Tours in France. His research addresses the questions of rhythms and solidarities in the digital age with a special focus on digital technologies and our everyday use of computers and mobile phones, devices which are already »out of date«. He is mostly interested in the fact that categories of activities like »work and »game« are not able to capture the extent of commitment that people must have to learn democracy, or to search for happiness in life.
The lecture will be in French with consecutive interpreting in English and a German summary.
Admission is free.