Design: Stegmeyer Fischer Creative Studios
Are You Meaning Company
The Ten People
The project »The Ten People« by Are You Meaning Company consists of ten objects and installations that address modern people’s small problems, based on the stories of ten people. Each of them has to navigate within a complex and supposedly simplifying global world. In addition to representing various problem situations, Are You Meaning Company attempts, at the same time, to offer each a fitting solution.
Are You Meaning Company was founded in Tokyo in 1999 and is presently located in Berlin.
Bernardo Oyarzún
Maputhungun – German
»We ended up losing…we ended up winning…they took the gold and left us the gold…they took everything and left us everything…they left us the words.«
Pablo Neruda: Confieso que he vivido – I confess that I have lived. Autobiography, 1973
Bernardo Oyarzúns bilingual project »Maputhungun – German« consists of a glossary with 300 entries in German and Mapuche, a South American language spoken by about 440,000 people, most of whom live in Chile. The juxtaposition of both languages results in a broad spectrum of literary and cultural associations that raise the questions of identity and diversity and suggest a political reading. In colonial times, the Europeans left their languages behind in their conquered countries, but also took something of the centuries-old languages of the inhabitants with them. Bernardo Oyarzún presents this symbiotic relationship in his glossary.
Sherae Rimpsey
Wolkig Wohlig Völlig & syrinx project
The American artist Sherae Rimpsey presents two different works. The first work »Wolkig Wohlig Völlig« is a hand-drawn short animated film and the installation »syrinx project« is the 5th section of an ongoing work of ‘skin’ with ‘object’. The work deals with the primordial and myth.
José Carlos Teixeira
Between Clarity and Fog
José Carlos Teixeira’s new video installation »Between Clarity and Fog« addresses mostly issues of identity, and departs from a subjective investment into a larger history and geography, taking as a trigger today’s invisible, but (in his opinion) perhaps existing psychological border between the West and the former East. He attempts to explore this boundary with landscape, images, portraits and interviews. His work, however, has in no way the goal of creating a strict political discourse. There are no solutions, nor simple judgments, but rather an understanding for the complexity and the existing opposites should be created. »Between Clarity and Fog« is an odyssey into perplexity and the doubt of any given person, a trip over the former line … while one is in awe of the new.
Gwen van den Eijnde
»IM HIRSCHGANG,« a performance by the Parisian costume designer Gwen van den Eijnde, will be performed on the occasion of the exhibition openings on November 26, as well as on the following day, at 8pm. In the Akademie’s Hirschgang, the artist presents his new costume collection, which consists of three spectacular pieces. His work is accompanied by the South Korean sound artist Jae-Ho Youn and the dancer Pavlos Kountouriotis.
Furthermore, there will be two book presentations on the opening night. Sylvie Boisseau and Frank Westermeyer introduce their catalog accompanying the exhibition »Chinese is a Plus,« and the German architect Gabi Schillig presents her new book Mediating Space which has been published by merz&solitude in October 2009.
The exhibition is on view from Friday, November 27, 2009 to Sunday, January 3, 2010.
Hours: Tues–Thurs 10am–noon & 2 – 5:30pm, Sat–Sun noon–4:30pm
Closed between December 24 to 27 and 31, 2009 as well as on January 1, 2010.
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