Design: Stegmeyer Fischer Creative Studios
Mar 15, 2018
Exhibition Openings in March
On Thursday, March 15, the Akademie opens the exbhibitions of Caitlin Berrigan, Aliénor Dauchez, Sebastian Schmieg and Taietzel Ticalos.
On Thursday, March 15, the Akademie opens the exbhibitions of Caitlin Berrigan, Aliénor Dauchez, Sebastian Schmieg and Taietzel Ticalos.
Imaginary Explosions
Caitlin Berrigan
Treatise on Imaginary Explosions is a cosmology of works that draw upon geology to examine the deep time scales of structural patriarchy, sexual violence, ruptures, resistance, re-emergence, and friendship as a form of politics. The pseudo-science fiction is comprised of episodic videos, sculptures, costumes and drawings that forge into affective geologies and the idea of becoming mineral.
For her exhibition at Solitude, Caitlin Berrigan presents volume one of the Treatise, an artist’s book published by Broken Dimanche Press. Accompanying the book are sculptures, and the first video episode from volume two of the Treatise. The video series follows a group of transfeminist geologists as they conspire to blow up the world by simultaneously erupting all of Earth’s volcanoes. The geologists investigate volcanoes, remote-sensing laboratories, and geological survey sites across the world, encountering the relationship between the embodied time-scales of geological metamorphosis and human neurological landscapes of trauma. It is an exercise in transfeminist affiliation, collaboration, climate reparation and cosmology creation.
Groß genug für vergebliche Suche (Large enough for a wasted search)
Aliénor Dauchez
»The rumour has always been, or even better, the thought is valid, that there is a way out. The ones who don´t believe in it anymore are not immune, to believe in it all over again.« Samuel Beckett: Le Dépeupleur – Der Verwaiser.
What is the function of this curious room: the lower Hirschgang of Akademie Schloss Solitude? It reminds me of the cylinder, which Samuel Beckett describes in his book Der Verwaiser.
With its curved wall and its uncountable tubes, the room becomes a room of search. An ambivalent process which entails infringements, exceedings, failure, traps and re-establishments: for the exhibited objects, for the performing artist and for the visitors.
Is there a possible way out?
While the Future Unfolds
Taietzel Ticalos
»When I had no sense of the real world, it was easier to dream the future. Within the shelter of the program I was conceived, I was left with myself and under my pixel rain, I thought that time ignores me completely. Regardless my limited capacity of processing information, I understood that I will always be trapped in a screen. Have you ever felt unreal?«
Displayed as a series of confessional videos, While the Future Unfolds follows Cherie Pie (a 3D character) in her attempt of becoming a financial dominatrix. Deeply marked by Samantha (the sex doll) and the rise of the female voices in AI, Cherie Pie takes her own voice from a free online text-to-speech service and enters the world of financial domination as »Queen of Cups«, the Inhuman Mistress. Providing insight into a BDSM niche where the power exchange may take place solely via Internet, the narration highlights the fluidity between real and unreal as Cherie Pie develops her dominatrix persona.
What We Could Have Thought, if Only For a Moment
Sebastian Schmieg
In his installation Sebastian Schmieg proposes the consideration of artificial intelligence as a collective undertaking and potential form of community. Common talking, writing, research and life build the basis of a combining practice which understands technical expansions of our thinking and reminding as a collective space of possibilities. In Schmieg’s installation an artificial intelligence is continuously trained on the basis of texts produced by fellows, so that the procedures of artificial intelligence can be dispensed from the data extraction and the modulation of addressable bodies so they can be discussed as esthetic culture technics. The so created multilayered language and voice, begs questions with regard to new forms of introspection, collective expression and the organization of work.
Admission free!
On view: March 15 to April 29, 2018
Opening hours: Tur—Thur: 10 am—12pm, 2—5 pm, Fri: 10 am—12 pm, 2—4 pm,
Sat—Sun: 12—5 pm
participated in
Design: Stegmeyer Fischer Creative Studios
Yon Natalie Mik. Dance Outside My Body I (Paper Squats). 2024, Courtesy of the artist