Design: Stegmeyer Fischer Creative Studios
Fetish + Consumption
The experience with consumption is the foundation of globalization and the culture industry its main mainspring. In this context, art, which in its real sense is neither a product nor can be placed in the category of goods, is a sore spot of the system. If it’s pure means of exchange, it embodies the idea of goods. In practice, this, however succumbs to the fetishism inherent in desire. To lend expression to this ideal and material connection, today’s artists are obliged to achieve the impossible.
Participating artists in this exhibition, initiated by Catherine Perret, include Didier Bay, Sanford Biggers, Sylvie Boisseau & Frank Westermeyer, Corinne May Botz, Andreu Carandell, Malaka Dewapriya, Björn Franke, Katalin Hausel, Lars Henkel, Keller/Wittwer, Iassen Markov, Matthias A. Megyeri, Kaiwan Mehta, Olof Olsson, Daniel Salomon, Ina Steiner, Susanne Winterling und Goran Zivadinovic.
Hours: Tue-Thurs 10am–noon & 2-5:30pm, Fri 10am – noon & 2–4pm, Sat–Sun noon–5:30pm.
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