Design: Stegmeyer Fischer Creative Studios
Based on compositions by Hugo Wolf and Alexander Skrjabin, choreographer and dancer Hans-Werner Klohe arranges lively moments with flashes of comedy and hard breaks into an attempt at newly interpreting these songs and pieces from another century.
Klohe’s work is fundamentally marked through close interdisciplinary cooperation with, for example, vocal and speaking artists, video artists, live musicians and composers. He deals with classical music in this production, for which he was able to join forces with pianist Anne Le Bozec and young baritone Christoph Sökler from the Stattsoper Stuttgart.
Hans-Werner Klohe (*1970 in Mannheim) studied dance and choreography at the Heinz-Bosl-Stiftung of the music academy in Munich. Since then he has worked as a dancer and choreographer with, for example, Introdans (the Netherlands), Adventures in Motion Pictures/AMP (London, New York), Joachim Schlömer and Sasha Waltz (Schaubühne am Lehniner Platz). The “Hugo Wolf Projekt” premiered in September 2005 at the St. Elisabeth Kirche in Berlin. Klohe has been a fellow at the Akademie since October 2005.
Tickets and reservations: Tel. 0711-6607-120
Meeting point Rotebühlplatz, Rotebühlplatz 28, 70173 Stuttgart
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