Design: Basics09
On Thursday, December 10, 2009, 8pm, Musik der Jahrhunderte presents a concert by the Ensemble ascolta in Stuttgart’s Theaterhaus. The concert’s theme is »Stages/Scenes«, and the evening features pieces by Solitude fellows. Elena Mendoza López’s (2009 fellow) latest work »Fragmentos de teatro imaginario« is world premiered, the compositions »I funerali dell’anarchico Serantini« by Francesco Filidei (2005/2006 fellow) and »Dream Diaries« by Violetta Mahon (alter ego of Jennifer Walshe, fellow 2003/2004 and 2006) are also performed. Also on the program is the piece »anstatt dass« by Robin Hoffmann.
Tickets (14 euros, 9 euros reduced) are available through the Theaterhaus Tel. 0711.4020720 or
The concert is organized by Musik der Jahrhunderte, in cooperation with Klangverein Stuttgart e.V., supported by Kulturamt der Stadt Stuttgart and the Ministry for Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg.
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