Design: Basics09
Kein Liederabend
Not a Liederabend
Finally, the summer months offer a festival for friends of new music! As a new format and the successor of the Die Reihe – Neue Musik für Stuttgart concert series, the summer festival was brought to life for 2007. With the concert “Not a Liederabend” the Akademie wanted to both challenge the music fellows and to address new music’s two essential questions in how it deals with a historically archaic genre of the classic lied: The often problematic integration with the human voice on the one hand, and the “occupation” of literary texts through music and sound on the other.
The concert at Solitude concludes the festival with works by Andrew Hamilton (Ireland/Germany), Sven Ingo Koch (Germany), Éric Marty (USA), Krisztina Megyeri (Hungary/France), Enno Poppe (Germany) Cobi van Tonder (South Africa) and Jennifer Walshe (Ireland) and others. Ensemble ascolta and the Neuen Vocalsolisten perform.
Krisztina Megyeri: Songs after the poem Ode by József Attila (world premiere)
Andrew Hamilton: “Drei Gesänge” for soprano and trumpet (world premiere)
Cobi van Tonder: “Golden Summer – mistake”, for soprano and cembalo (world premiere)
Éric Marty: “Eightfold” for counter tenor and trombone (world premiere)
Sven-Ingo Koch: “Und meine Seele spannte”, Two songs for bass and piano
Enno Poppe: “Wespe”, for voice and no instrument after a text by Marcel Beyer
Jennifer Walshe: Lieder for voice and CD/violin, sung and performed by Jennifer Walshe; staging: Sinisa Ilic; design: Katya Bonnenfant
Der Sommer in Stuttgart ’07. New Music … takes place from June 28 to July 1, 2007, and is a cooperation of the Akademie Schloss Solitude, Musik der Jahrhunderte, the Staatsoper Stuttgart and SWR.
Tickets can be ordered at 0711-402070,
For further information: 0711-6290510
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