Sept 18, 2015

Colloquium »Marketplaces of Perception«

in the course of the art, science & business program the colloquium »Marketplaces of Perception«  will consist of four presentations and one open talk, dealing with the aspects of a socially interpreted perception and putting a critical view on the contained aesthetics of »political economy«.

Date: Sept 18, 2015, 15:00 Uhr

Duration: Sept 18, 2015

Location: Projektraum Römerstraße 2A

The forming of the five senses is a labour of the entire history of the world down to the present
Karl Marx

Perception is essentially based on physical conditions, yet at the same time it is profoundly modeled by social matters. The way individuals perceive their inside and outside determines their individuality, which in turn is socially constructed. Today, the evolution of the five senses is ever more conditioned by an optimized and virtualized subjectivity, in that capitalist competition and speculation seem to be »naturally« inherent. The individuals constantly keep themselves productive by inventing themselves through their sensations. Mass production turns into »digitalized« mass customization, media consumption aims for media expression – and the generated data is »capitalized.« Seeing, smelling, tasting become a challenge of self-regulation in an excessive experience. Not surprisingly, aesthetic theories which draw upon neuro-scientific ideas call for a pre-conscious emancipation of the subject via the all-purpose solvent of affect. The colloquium »Marketplaces of Perception« will consist of four presentations and one open talk, dealing with the aspects of a socially interpreted perception and putting a critical view on the contained aesthetics of »political economy«.

Participants: Peter Müller (artist/media scientist, Hamburg/Germany), Jason Read (philosopher, Portland, ME/USA), Marina Vishmidt (author, editor and critic, Arnhem/Netherlands and London/UK), Gal Kirn (philosopher, Berlin and Ljubljana/Slowenia).


3 p.m. | Sophie-Charlotte Thieroff, Peter Müller
Welcoming remarks and introduction

3.15 p.m. | Jason Read
»Relations of Perception: Perception as Individuation«

4 p.m. | Marina Vishmidt
»Job from Hell: Big Data, Surplus Vision and the Cinema of Work Today«

4.45 p.m. | Break

5 p.m. | Gal Kirn
»From Historicity of Senses to Medialization of Senses: What can Marx tell us about Kittler?«

5.45 p.m. | Peter Müller
»Work-form Balance: Re-entering Apparatus Theorems about Moving Images and Self-awareness in Capitalistic Relations«

6.30 p.m. | Break

7 p.m. | Open discussions

8 p.m. | Snacks

The colloquium is part of the art, science & business program at Akademie Schloss Solitude. In cooperation with DFG-Graduiertenkolleg »Sichtbarkeit und Sichtbarmachung. Hybride Formen des Bildwissens«, University of Potsdam and the Graduiertenkolleg »Ästhetiken des Virtuellen«, Hochschule für bildende Künste Hamburg.

Initiated by Peter Müller.

The colloquium will be held in English. Admission is free.
The number of participants is limited to 30.