Since autumn 2011, the Akademie Schloss Solitude has been addressing the theme »Chronicles of Work«, centered around an extensive interdisciplinary discussion on changes in modern and contemporary work organization and their consequences for society. From January until June 2013, four internationally renowned scientists from the fields of economy, psychoanalysis, philosophy, and sociology will approach these issues in their lectures.
Thursday, February 21st, 2013, 8 p.m.
Dr. Alan Bass, New York/USA
»The Work of Psychoanalysis: Play«
The theme of work is a constant for Freud. Exploring its many versions gives a vivid picture of the kinds of work psychoanalysis entails. Yet the analytic process has also been understood as a form of play. This talk will demonstrate why psychoanalysis is both work and play.
Alan Bass, philosopher and psychoanalyst, is training and supervising analyst at several psychoanalytic institutes in New York, professor at the New School for Social Research and Fellow at the Institute for Psychoanalytic Training and Research (IPTAR). He wrote two books dealing with psychological resistance (Difference and Disavowal: The Trauma of Eros [2000]; Interpretation and Difference: The Strangeness of Care [2006]), wrote numerous articles and critics and is known for his translation of the works of Jacques Derrida.
Further dates:
Thursday, March 21st, 2013, 8 p.m.
Maurizio Lazzarato, Paris/France
»Sur les formes de travail a-typique et précaire à partir de l’expérience des Intermittents du spectacle« (About the atypical and precarious forms of the work of freelance artists)
Maurizio Lazzarato is a sociologist and philosopher. He works as a free researcher on the themes immaterial work, fragmentation of the working society, ontology of work, cognitive capitalism and postsocialistic movements. Furthermore, he participates in the actions and reflections of freelance artists of the group Coordination des intermettents et précaires d’Île-de-France (CIP-IDF) and leads a research project on the status of freelancers. He is co-founder of the journal Multitude and published Umherschweifende Produzenten. Immaterielle Arbeit und Subversion (1998) together with Antonio Negri and Paolo Virno.
Contact: Patrick Ritter, +49-(0)711-99619-134,
Admission: 8 Euro / 6 Euro reduced