»Anechoic« by Mo Langmuir and Sam Collins
Saturdays from 12 pm to 5 pm
Free entry for the exhibition and the public program!
Projektraum Römerstraße is not barrier-free.
Design: Stegmeyer Fischer Creative Studio
Current fellows joined students from the State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart (ABK Stuttgart) and other participants in developing artistic projects for the exhibition Currently Available, held at the Projektraum Römerstraße run by Akademie Schloss Solitude, that create space for personal encounters and give visitors the opportunity to actively shape their exhibition experience.
Project participants explore new ways of experiencing artistic work together outside the exhibition space via interactive mediation formats such as audio walks, a whispered reading and a VR installation at various locations. They also cooperate with communities and local Stuttgart-based initiatives. The project opens up temporary spaces of possibility that encourage visitors to expand their range of enquiry beyond a conventional framework, to ask questions, to get involved and to become part of the experimental project.
With the participation of Aderemi Adegbite, Jan Nicola Angermann, Constanze Bahlo, Maaz Bin Bilal, Lukas Beyer, Samuel Collins & Mo Langmuir, Monika Czyżyk, Gideon Horváth, Cheryl Isheja, Baanujah Kanesamoorthy, Sebastian Lorenz, Marcela Majchrzak, Jana Milenkovic, Christian Müller, Neil Luck, Timo Lupoli, Nomadic Kiln Group, Flaviu Rogojan, Nika Rukavina, Veronika Schneider, Karen Schuster, Lea Stephany, Isabel Stoffel, Damon Taleghani, Martina Vacheva, Adrian Weber, Jaśmina Wójcik, Roxenna Zimmer
Concept, artistic supervision and coordination: Jan Nicola Angermann, Gloria Aino Grzywatz, Diana Yasmin Haddad, Annette Hermann
The exhibition project has been developed as continuation of the project »Weiterkommen! – ein Projekt zur Entwicklung eines Leitbildes im Bereich Kunstvermittlung und Kulturelle Bildung an der Akademie Schloss Solitude« which was supported by the Zentrum für Kulturelle Teilhabe Baden-Württemberg.
A project of Akademie Schloss Solitude and Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart in cooperation with Begegnungsraum e.V., Chloroplast Stuttgart e.V., WUNDERKAMMER – NATURALIA / ARTIFICIALIA
Where: Römerstraße 2, 70178 Stuttgart
Opening: March 2, 2023, 6 pm
Exhibition period: March 3 through April 2, 2023
Finissage: March 30, 2023, 6 pm
Opening hours: Saturdays, 12 pm to 5 pm
Projektraum Römerstraße is not barrier-free
participated in