Design: Stegmeyer Fischer Creative Studios
The »Fetish + Consumption« symposium ends this series of events. It takes place from June 12 to 13, 2008, as part of the art, science and business program. Philosophers, artists, scientists and representatives from the business world will speak.
With the rise of goods-based capitalism, the notion of the fetish also shifts, becoming increasingly complex within the rhythm of economic upheavals and the changes in spheres of trade and exchange. It becomes more multilayered, depending upon the perception of those who celebrate it, who are simultaneously observers and willing hostages, so to speak: through ourselves. What we commonly call »consumption« in the course of the development of mass production is the generally known (one could even say more exotic) designation of this esoteric and intimate cult that we unceasingly practice and term »fetishism«.
The paths leading from consumption to fetishism – from methodically economical phenomena to the secret religion of capitalism – are art, design, fashion, everything that populates the screens surrounding us like a sea of mirrors. Between the iconoclasm of goods and the commodity value of art, there are unexplored approaches, which this symposium will examine via the interlinking disciplines of economics, marketing, art history and psychoanalysis.
The opening lecture by Michael Erlhoff, professor for design theory and history at the Cologne International School of Design, addresses the topic »Design und die Politik des Objekts«. Additional participants are Denise Bonapace and Stefano Mirti, Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti (NABA), Milan; Caroline Gerschlager, Economic University of Vienna; Michael Guggenheim, University of Zurich; Hans Dieter Huber, State Academy of Fine Arts, Stuttgart; Kaiwan Mehta, Kamla Raheja Vidyanidhi Institute of Architecture, Mumbai; Frieder Nake, University of Bremen; Catherine Perret, Collège international de philosophie, Paris and Vera Strübi, Neuilly sur Seine.
The opening lecture will be held in German, the lectures on Friday are in English.
A cooperation with the Collège international de philosophie in Paris.
Please register with Catharina Märklin, Tel +49 (0) 711 99 61 91 34,
Free admission
Thu 8 pm, Fri 9 am–6:30 pm
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