Design: Stegmeyer Fischer Creative Studios
July 5, 2014
ART MEETS SCIENCE. An exhibition with light projections, 3D printers, drawing robots, video installations and interactiv images
An exhibition of the art, science & business program.
An exhibition of the art, science & business program.
Essam Abdelhady & Katrin Wolf
Proximity Interaction Using Light
The interactive light installation Proximity Interaction Using Light is an experimental set up of the two scientists Essam Abdelhady & Katrin Wolf from the Institute for Visualization and Interactive Systems (VIS) at the University of Stuttgart. The installation includes a credit card-sized single-board computer, the Raspberry Pi, that receives data from different infrared sensors distributed in the exhibition space, mapping the position of the visitors in the space and their distance to the exhibits. Controlled by the computer, so-called pico projectors generate an interactive guidance system with light signals.
Danielle Adair
I Can Feel Your Teeth
The video I Can Feel Your Teeth by video and performance artist Danielle Adair is part of her work And I Think I Like It, a collection of thirteen »video-song-poems« completed while she was a fellow at Akademie Schloss Solitude (2012—13). The »video-song-poems« include original text, sound and animations. Collectively they respond to the anxiety and ennui of the socio-political landscape, namely within the US, in the last years. The videos take inventory of everyday objects revealing the performance of language that surrounds them. The entire collection was on exhibit at the Akademie this spring 2014.
Kai Franz
#Black Skull, #Cinder Blocks and #Clouds from Above
The series #Black Skull, #Cinder Blocks and #Clouds from Above comprises three sculptures, made by the German artist and architect Kai Franz. Franz created these sculptures with the Plopper (Dual-Axis Precision Deposition System), a low resolution 3D printer which he assembled out of a hijacked plotter. For the templates Franz appropriated three different 3D models which he found on the Web. An app generated these virtual models through algorithms and online server processing based on images of real-life objects. They are the sheer result of anonymous users capturing both random objects within everyday-life compositions, and the malfunction of technology. For this exhibition Franz replicated these virtual models as Plopps. Within them the machine unites computational demarcation with the will of matter.
Kristof Gavrielides
The work Now of architect and designer Kristof Gavrielides is a media installation which filters global data traffic of character- based communication flows in real time in search of the ASCII codes 🙂 and :-(, which are used worldwide and cross-culturally by billions of people as a surrogate for expressing sorrow or happiness. Now is putting the collected data into a local context and thereby provides information in regard to the emotional state of those parts of the world, which have free access to the World Wide Web. At the same time it generates a map that illustrates the usage of data and data dependency as well as its delimitations.
Raphael Geiger
Geh Hirn in Frieden
The work Geh Hirn in Frieden of the scientist Raphael Geiger is a realistic 3D print of a brain using inorganic materials. Through illumination the organ copy becomes an aesthetic object. The work also represents the research on printing organs and the possibility of reproducing the human, at least partially. Geiger works at the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation IPA in the field of additive manufacturing and 3D printing.
Michael Raschke & Markus Funk
The robot arm roboPix is a research project of the scientists Michael Raschke and Markus Funk developed in cooperation with Andre Burkovski and Benjamin Höferlin, all from the Institute for Visualization and Interactive Systems (VIS) at the University of Stuttgart. The robot is controlled by electrodes measuring electronic signals of brain activity and generates images which simulate the drip painting technique of the artist Jackson Pollock.
Michi Meier
Im Auge des Betrachters
The artist Michi Meier uses the method of eye tracking which registers fast and subconscious eye movements for his work Im Auge des Betrachters. Using Otto Dix’ painting of dancer Anita Berber the installation of Meier renders visible the process of seeing by registering eye movements of the visitors, hereby creating entirely novel paintings.
The exhibition is initiated and conceived by Katrin Wolf (fellow in 2013 in cooperation with Hybrid Plattform) and is curated with the help of Demian Bern (fellow 2009—2011).
In cooperation with Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation IPA and Institute for Visualization and Interactive Systems (VIS) of University of Stuttgart.
participated in
Design: Stegmeyer Fischer Creative Studios
Yon Natalie Mik. Dance Outside My Body I (Paper Squats). 2024, Courtesy of the artist