Policy of Respect

Akademie Schloss Solitude is an international institution that serves as a place and space for artists and scientists to work and live together, fostering exchange and collaboration. It regards itself as a diverse community of people with different cultural experiences and expertise. This diversity among fellows, staff, and guests constitutes a basis for free artistic and scientific collaboration, which requires both protection and promotion.

Akademie Schloss Solitude is aware of its societal and personal responsibilities, which can be derived from its guiding principles1, and therefore presents this Policy of Respect as a commitment to itself as a community. This Policy encompasses principles of non-discriminatory, fair, and sustainable behavior in interpersonal and professional relationships, as well as in everyday interactions. The Akademie advocates for equal treatment, open dialogue, mutual understanding and the promotion of the common good through the sustainable use of resources. In this sense, it strives to create a free, safe, inclusive, and empowering working environment in which differences are valued and accepted, and solidarity and mutual respect encouraged. It recognizes the diverse knowledge, experiences and aspirations of the community and interprets the Policy of Respect as part of a collective learning process. Exchange with and inclusion of the expertise of marginalized actors is a central component.

The Policy of Respect applies to all staff, fellows, jury members, partners, guests and external service providers of Akademie Schloss Solitude. All individuals mentioned should be willing to take responsibility for their own actions.

Respectful Mutual Interactions

Akademie Schloss Solitude advocates for respectful mutual interactions and condemns inappropriate behavior and discrimination. It commits to adhering to the European Convention on Human Rights2 as well as the General Act on Equal Treatment (AGG) of the Federal Republic of Germany3.

Inappropriate behavior includes, but is not limited to:

  • Discrimination: any form of individual, institutional, or collective insult or unequal treatment (including in subtle or covert forms) based on racism (regarding external and cultural characteristics, ethnic origin, nationality, and name), social background, literacy/education level, age, religious affiliation, gender identity, worldview, disability, and sexual orientation;
  • Aggression and violence: verbal, psychological/mental, or physical harassment, threats, or attacks;
  • Sexual harassment: any form of verbal, non-verbal or physical behavior of a sexual nature that is intrusive, offensive, derogatory, humiliating or unwanted by the affected person;
  • Bullying: repeated and long-term aggressive or demeaning behavior including harassment, ridicule, trivialization (»gaslighting«) and exclusion, which impairs the dignity of a person, deliberately and systematically harms and devalues the other, or isolates them;
  • Abuse of power: abuse of a position of power to harm, harass or disadvantage other persons over whom one can exert power, or to gain personal advantages for oneself or one’s favorites.

With this Policy, the Akademie considers, in particular, the specific experiences of anti-Black racism, antisemitism, anti-Muslim racism, anti-Asian racism, anti-Roma discrimination and ableism as well as sexism and queerphobia in all their individual and structural forms.4 The personal rights of third parties must also be respected within the framework of artistic freedom and freedom of expression.

In dealing with cases of discrimination or disregard for the Policy of Respect, the perception of the affected person is central. The Akademie acknowledges that discrimination can have physical, emotional, and psychological effects and promotes a supportive environment for the exchange, free expression, and processing of experiences.

Respect for Environment and Community

A socially responsible community also includes the respectful and sustainable handling of property, premises, and resources. The Akademie strives to facilitate the fair, sustainable and climate-friendly use of resources as well as long-term economically and ecologically fair behavior to best serve the common good. This includes the following aspects:

  • Ecologically mindful and sustainable use of materials, technology, objects, and resources at the Akademie; this includes, for example, efficient use of electricity and water, waste separation and recycling, as well as the extensive reuse of items and materials;
  • Respectful and considerate treatment of the property and premises of the Akademie; this includes, for example, the care and cleanliness of personal and collectively used spaces and objects;
  • Respectful and considerate treatment of the property and premises of the fellows; this includes, for example, respecting privacy, making binding agreements, and respectful handling when using others’ property, respecting and demonstrating tolerance for the needs of individuals and the community;
  • Fair and sustainable cooperation with partners and service providers based on transparency, respect, and the promotion of ecological justice in international cultural relations.

Persons of Trust

Akademie Schloss Solitude has internal persons of trust for the fellows, available to handle cases of Policy violations and to address questions, conflicts or other issues in confidence. The Akademie commits to proactively addressing inappropriate behavior and discrimination of any kind and to supporting affected individuals in their needs to the best of its ability. The persons of trust are two members of the Akademie’s team who are not part of the management and rotate regularly. Further information about the persons of trust can be found on the website and the in-house Welcome Board of Akademie Schloss Solitude.5

In the event of breaches of the Policy of Respect, affected individuals as well as observers may contact the persons of trust or the Akademie management via email, in person or through the inhouse feedback box.

The persons of trust or the Akademie management commit to discretion in handling all cases and respect for the privacy of all involved parties. Cases are generally not shared within the Akademie community unless deemed necessary for purposes of protection and prevention in exceptional cases. In the event of breaches of the Policy of Respect, the following principles are observed by the persons of trust or the Akademie management:

  • All parties involved will be listened to.
  • The persons of trust or the Akademie management will attempt to mediate and resolve conflicts in consultation with the affected parties.
  • If a conflict cannot be resolved, the persons of trust will inform the Akademie management and, if necessary, consult with external experts in consultation with the Akademie management.
  • For questions or concerns that cannot be adequately addressed by the Akademie, professional counseling will be sought if necessary.

The Akademie management may take further measures or impose sanctions in cases of proven breaches or violations of the Policy. These measures will be assessed according to the degree of breach or violation and may include various steps: formal warnings, mandatory participation in discrimination-sensitive workshops, temporary suspension or mandatory leave of absence, termination/dissolution of contracts, termination of fellowship (in consultation with the Board of Trustees), termination of stay at Akademie Schloss Solitude, termination of jury activity, exclusion from the premises and police reports.

Complaints Office under the General Act on Equal Treatment (AGG)

In addition to the persons of trust, Akademie Schloss Solitude has established a Complaints Office according to § 13 General Act on Equal Treatment (AGG). The Complaints Office is responsible for violations of the AGG, particularly for disadvantages and harassment related to an employment relationship.6 The Complaints Office consists of the administrative management.7

Learning Institution

This Policy of Respect was developed by Akademie Schloss Solitude in collaboration with fellows and external experts. It is regularly reviewed and adjusted to ensure that it is both appropriate and practical. The Akademie regards itself as a learning institution. It recognizes the diverse knowledge, experiences and aspirations of its community and invites its members to participate in this process. Feedback and questions regarding the Policy may be directed to the Akademie management or the persons of trust.



for taking the time to read the Policy of Respect and thereby contribute to a respectful and nondiscriminatory living and working environment at Akademie Schloss Solitude.