Jasmine Guffond / Sydney, Australia
Julia Bonk / Berlin, Germany — März 13, 2017
Paradime shifting by words art
At the beginnings of the digital age, despite of the increasing importance of pictures (Vilém
Flusser) writing and words haven’t lost anything of their significance. Their eternality,
caused by a rupture that goes through the moment of production and the moment of being
accounted, is present in every here and now, whenever someone accounts the words.
Writing does have a tendency to be authoritarian, because a rule is the base of it’s
accountability: always to see a sign as the sign that it stands for in common frame. Words
create a reality, because in them signification and connotation unify. Therefore they are a
material for artistic production. The research question for the residency is to find words
and sets of words, phrases, that implicate an other event in the mind, that shift focusses
from hegemonial paradimes as we have them to others, where the value of the person’s
privacy on the one hand and the powerful claim for direction over all public information
will be available as a possible reality in words and phrases (e.g. „Public information is
Aim: artistic research on the ways of building awareness for control technologies, data
security and keeping a personal sphere
Method: finding words and sentences that raise awareness on the impact of control
technologies, increase the inner disposition for living alternative data handling ways and
the will to stand up for one’s rights that are always also the rights of others and vice versa.
Words would, kind of evidence of it’s possibility, create an other reality, an other set of
meaning giving a base to other ways of acting. Words are seen as a medium of art,
presented either spoken or in visuals, to find the most effective and at least authoritarian
way will be part of the research project. Main language will be english to be able to
communicate with a broader public.
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