Nicolas Sassoon / Vancouver BC, Canada
Jean-Michel Rolland / Marseille, France — Juni 22, 2017
Generative Music Patterns is a project for the web residencies program by Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart & ZKM | Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe on the topic FRACTAL HORSES, curated by Claudia Maté.
Generative music always obeys patterns defined by the coder. Under these patterns, lines of code use mathematical or random algorithms to make the music sound somehow melodious. During the month of July 2017, I will create as many different patterns as possible, using mathematical formulas to develop algorithms that will make the music sound different. In all cases, the machine will be the composer, but it will have to create music within the limits I have established. Visualizations will evolve constantly with the patterns created. The work in progress will be updated as often as possible on this website with my creative process explained and will be available as a free app for Android on Google Play.
© 2025 Akademie Schloss Solitude and the author
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