Private: Future Fetish Bias

Roberta Curca / Bucharest, Romania — Okt. 24, 2016

Portfolio: roberta-curca-portfolio

The project aims to reflect upon two perspectives regarding the future: future through aesthetics and future through technology. Based on Daniel Kahneman’s statement that biases are not a matter of emotion, but a matter of systematic cognitive error, I will attempt to analyse the two perspectives regarding the future in relation to biases generally made when faced with future projecting objects. The project will set out to make the future more human and less Sci-fi. I will attempt to do this by analysing one of my older works that identified crucial biases regarding such aesthetics. From then on I will focus on texts and drawings that will simulate the correction of those biases in relation to objects that reflect a more thoughtful process. To make the future more human will require giving more attention to Daniel Kahneman’s category identified as system 21. The project will be presented on a blog with the name ‚Future fetish bias“ and will present different stages of the analysis that will, despite its name, offer a positive perspective on both biases and the rational future.

– System 1: Fast, automatic, frequent, emotional, stereotypic, subconscious
– System 2: Slow, effortful, infrequent, logical, calculating, conscious

Roberta Curcă is a Romanian artist currently working and living in Bucharest. Her work focuses on the outer space as it reflects values and flaws of the society around her. Her attitude is positive and calm, avoiding a highly critical attitude. She continuously searches for a compromise between the aesthetic and the rational as she interrogates mechanisms, techniques and objects and their ability to send an intelligent message.

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